“I should have gone through life half awake if you'd had the decency to leave me alone. Awake intellectually, yes, and emotionally in a way; but here--" He pointed with his pipe stem to his heart; and both smiled. "Perhaps we woke up one another. I like to think that anyway.”
―Leo是我上大學以後最喜歡的人,週四上課的時候他鼓勵我們不要只會死讀書,而讓自己的興趣或是感情生活是空白的,由於他都這麼說了,於是禮拜五我就寫電子郵件跟他告白,不過想當然爾被拒絕了,理由不外乎就是這樣違反倫理云云,雖然我假裝很懂事的回覆「我瞭解了」,但是其實內心很不以為然。為什麼不可以(。 ́︿ ̀。)哼!真是無趣的大人,害我第一次告白就失敗。
Do you like your school?
Well…it’s a difficult question, at first I definitely didn’t like it , because it wasn’t my first choice for my university. Besides,my parents and relatives taunt me from time to time, just because I couldn’t meet their expectations, making me so depressed that I even had nightmares at night. Therefore, I really hated my school when I was a freshman.
However, the ambience of National Chung Cheng University is serene as it is surrounded by luxuriantly green, and the tranquil atmosphere there soothed my inner pain gradually. I felt more and more like being at school, even much more than staying at home.
After moving on sophomore and junior, I met my favorite teacher, who teaches Public International Law and International Economic Law. He is so elegant that i thought he was born in England at first, but i found out that he was actually once a student at National Chung Cheng University. He gave me hope, a hope that i can become an excellent person just like him.
Thus, I have changed my thoughts about my school. That is to say, I’m very fond of it now.
簡而言之,he makes me feel again。